Thursday, 26 January 2017

Part One of Something I Won't Finish

Stream of consciousness, or something. Very pointless. 

“I am in the mood to dissolve into the sky” - Virgina Woolf

She awoke, ghostlike, to walk the streets in soles so thin the cobblestones caressed her feet. No need to wait for the sun to rise, because the touch of chilling air divulges a sense of feeling to remind her she exists. Existing, however, is not living. Dishevelled sheets that wrapped and entrapped her limbs were cast off with reluctance and dismal sighs, imperceptible enough that only the dead could hear. Conscious humans mostly avoid consciousness, and reject screaming signs of personal suffering. Alone with everybody, we strut in our own skeletal, flesh-bound cages, in isolation so strained we only feign anyone else is ever permitted entry.

Plunging fog hung with inevitable thickness and her sharp spirit had lunged, long since trailing off, as the years coiled around her heart like a deep, dragging anchor. She had become nothing, and in a sense that led to numbed contentedness, maybe somewhere, merely unfelt. Her mark on the world should be as silent as possible, erasable and untraceable. But how could emptiness feel so heavy?

...No one knows you – but you long to meld consciousness with another: quite simply, you can’t. No one understands you – except you – and you spent your entire life trying to figure yourself out, and now that you have, you wish you’d never bothered...

There is no truth except perception. Perception is always distorted.

Errant raindrops flicked across her bare arms like intermittent tears, driving another smattering of sensation against deadness. Tears sparkled like diamonds against her skin. Nothing is forever, and they slowly disappeared. She wanted to laugh but it would always ring hollow - and if her tears mixed with the rain no one would know.

They wouldn’t want to know anyway.

Empty streets yawned before a tangled blur of faces rushed by with post-impressionist madness. They left no impression – yet each one could be lost in their own mangled confusion. Perhaps they were simply better actors. Perhaps they were terrible actors in bland roles. Authenticity’s nonexistence could be ignored for decades because ignorance is more comfortable. Never open your mouth because you may say something someone might not like. However, if we never gave a piece of our minds and followed the crowd there would be anything but peace.

Her decaying mind was in pieces, like dirty shattered glass, stained glass, strained glass lying in a back alley – as she picked up a shard on the street it bit her hand. Feeling to push through the fog. At some point we become our own joke – we just aren’t in on it.

...I will have to teach myself to smile and say “hello” again, like a dim, careless child. Nameless, faceless, I had to stop learning to haunt myself. I knew myself so well I couldn’t turn it off. Over-thinking and over-feeling leads to the opposite of those things, and now I am shrouded in numb confusion...

Singing clock chimes remind her that time is nothing but a conveniently inconvenient construct, because her mind flings towards the past and projects towards the future with unhurdled ease. Minutes in pain hang like hauling eternities, and those tiny gems of joy evaporate in moments.

The only reality is the mind, and it’s a flawed one.
This is everyone's truth.